Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I download interviews?

You can download interviews now or later and access them offline whenever you’d like, such as when you are working out, driving, etc. Navigate to the interview you want via the Browse Page and you will find a download option below the audio file in the interview’s webpage.

2. How do I create a playlist?

To create a playlist, go to the Accounts tab, which is your dashboard. From there, you can select Playlists and surf through multiple interviews to add them to a new or existing playlist. You may also add interviews to new playlists using the Playlist button below each interview.

3. How do I sign in?

To sign in, go to the Login Page. Enter your email address and password to access your account. You can also access this page by selecting the Accounts tab located at the top right corner of the website (only if you are logged out).

4. How do I search for content?

To search for content, use the search bar located at the top of the page or navigate to the Browse Page. You can enter keywords related to the interviews or topics you are interested in, and the search results will display relevant content.

5. Can’t find my password? How to reset it.

If you can’t find your password, click on the “Forgot Password?” link on the Login Page. Enter your registered email address, and a password reset link will be sent to you. Follow the instructions in the email to reset your password. (Pro Tip: When creating your account, try to save it in your device’s password manager, or a standard place you can always find it).

6. How do I best use The CEO Content Library?

The CEO Content Library is best used by exploring the various categories and curated collections (Keyword, CEO Name, Company, Industry, Topic, or Special Content Categories). Content can be downloaded for offline access, and you can make use of the search function to find specific topics or interviews

7. How do I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription, go to the Accounts tab in your dashboard. Under the Subscription section, select the three dots to the right of the membership where you will find the choice to “Update, Pause, or Cancel”. Follow the prompts to cancel your subscription.

8. How do I view the magazine?

To view the magazine, navigate to the “Magazine” tab on the website. There, you will find the latest issues available for viewing online. You can also go through the Magazine Archive to view past issues, as well as download issues for offline reading.

9. How do I view CEO research?

To view CEO research, type in “Research” in the Browse Page section on the website. You will find various research reports and articles available for reading.

10. How do I register for the Transformative CEO Summit?

To register for the Transformative CEO Summit, visit the summit page at www.theceoforumgroupinstitute.com/transformative-ceo-summits and click on the registration button. Fill in the required details and submit the form to complete your registration.

If you need any further assistance, please contact [email protected]