Ralph de la Vega, Former Vice Chairman, AT&T, Inc. (10/19/2021)

Ralph de la Vega, former Vice Chairman, AT&T Inc. and CEO, Business Solutions & International; and Founder and Chairman, De La Vega Group, shares lessons he’s learned from his difficult emigration out of the Cuban Revolution into his 42 year career with the leading mobile service provider in America. He also speaks on what it was like to work with Steve Jobs toward development of the most innovative product of all, the iPhone, as well as, how a 22-year-old executive taught him how to change perspective and make strategic decisions in unique business segments, understanding the importance of diversity and inclusion of thought in bringing success to significance. Finally, Mr. de la Vega reveals the two traits he believes every successful leader needs to have and how his new company invests in young startup companies.

Recorded: 10/19/2021

Ralph de la Vega, Former Vice Chairman, AT&T, Inc. (10/19/2021)
