Margo Georgiadis, co-founder and CEO of Montai Health [former CEO of Mattel, and Ancestry, and President of Google Americas] shares a breakthrough model to fight chronic disease at the intersection of nature, biology, and AI to achieve early prevention therapies and why she entered this ground-breaking area of healthcare — using data and technology to transform the way things are done where 2 billion people are affected and suffer with unmet needs. Margo explains what ‘anthromolecule’ medicine means, the problem of access to therapies, her vision of the future on the clinical and economic sides, and changing the treatment paradigm with strategic partnerships.
In the second half of the interview, Ms. Georgiadis talks about lessons and the transformative moment in her life starting as an economist, her passion for data and technology, and recognizing one’s superpower. Finally, Margo gives unique advice to CEOs on transforming to the next level and changing their leadership to innovate.
Recorded 03/21/2023