Ken Blanchard, Founder and Chairman, Ken Blanchard Companies

One minute lessons

Ken Blanchard, Chairman of The Ken Blanchard Companies, talks with Robert Reiss about focusing on the customer, establishing values to guide employees, and leading effectively. Blanchard gives some very specific advice about serving the customer, drawn from the knowledge he’s developed in authoring books such as “The 1 Minute Manger” and “The 1 Minute Entrepreneur”. In the interview, Blanchard also spells out his “4-P’s”, a key to a successful business and addresses the issue of dealing with ‘good breaks’ and ‘bad breaks’.

Ken Blanchard is one of the greatest teachers of our time, from his best-selling books to his international training and consulting companies. In this lively discussion, you’ll hear first hand his philosophies on business and life … and even on golf!

Ken Blanchard, Chairman, The Ken Blanchard Companies, Talks About Focusing on the Customer, on the CEO Show with Robert Reiss

Companies mentioned in the interview include: Southwest Airlines, The Ritz Carlton, and Four Seasons [ Hotels and Resorts.

Interview Aired: 06/29/2008

Ken Blanchard, Founder and Chairman, Ken Blanchard Companies
