John Driscoll, CEO of CareCentrix, a $1.6 billion dollar service business in a $4 trillion dollar healthcare market, talks about the importance of the unfair burden of healthcare costs and lack of control to consumers and CareCentrix’s mission to heal and age at home, as well as, the ways to solve those challenges through a majority movement and drawing connections through innovations in healthcare and bringing care home through a Facebook-messenger type synergistic model, especially after patient discharge. Mr. Driscoll explains their model of dramatically reducing costs and increasing care at home. As a services company for doctors and families, John shares the importance of connecting to families and reducing non-clinical barriers to avoiding time in the hospital (the most expensive way to get care), using software as a tool and creating a medical team to empower their patients. John expands into managing risk in health plans to keep people out of hospitals and nursing homes and the true benefits of control, including the use of technology like the Alexa app being implemented to create intelligent pathways to better clinical care and reduced readmissions — to leverage AI and big data without complexity.
In the second half of the interview, John talks about the economic impacts CareCentrix brings to the market, lowering costs and improving outcomes. Next, John, formerly with Priceline, speaks to building a culture of innovation and the lack of innovation in healthcare, and, the importance of innovation forums to implement practices from industries outside of healthcare. Finally, Mr. Driscoll shares his vision of the future of healthcare transformation in America and what it will look like in 5-10 years, including augmented intelligence and other trends toward happy, healthy patients, and concludes with a sum up of his leadership philosophy and how to accomplish your mission and create the future we all want to see.
Recorded: 11/15/2018