Americans United in Belief Companies Should Speak Out; Companies Divided on How to Do it Right

Research has shown countless times that consumers expect and respect a corporation that stands up or speaks out on issues. It’s shown that brand authenticity is key. And, it’s shown companies and their leadership need to not only say something, but also say the right thing. Increasingly it’s proving to be more difficult for corporations to know what to say. As one recent example, 35% of the US Informed Public polled in mid-July 2022 reported they view companies that have spoken out against the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade less favorably, a statistical tie with those who view those companies more favorably.

When consumers have mixed views of corporations speaking out on hot-button issues, there is always a risk associated with a company doing so. Determining an internal approach to manage quick decision making in the face of external crises can give a corporation a roadmap for avoiding decision paralysis and taking meaningful action.